
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

American Museum of Natural History!

2nd of may (Night)

Today we went to the American Museum of Natural History (where they filmed Night at the Museum movie).  They had some special exhibits - The live butterfly experience where we went inside of a really hot and humid enclosure with lots of different plants growing, and lots of live exotic butterflies;  Dinosaurs amongst us which was massive - really big because of the huge dinosaur fossil skeletons which made me feel tiny;   The Dark Universe, where we went into a planetarium and learned about dark matter and dark energy (which is approximately three quarters of the universe) -it was a great experience because it seemed real;  The Secret World Inside You, which was about bacteria - which rules the earth!  They’re everywhere! There’s good and bad bacteria and our immune systems try to keep them balanced but sometimes antibiotics interfere with this.  We had an awesome day but now we’re reallllllyyy tired.


  1. Hi Jesse,

    Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun!

    I remember when we went there that we stood in line for ages to get a photo with the Ester island head (Dumb Dumb.)

    Do you have any good photos to show us?
    How long are you guys staying in New York for?


    1. Hey! We are staying in new york for 1 Week

  2. Wow I am so impressed by your use of semi-colons! Must be all that work we did on them this time last year... ;)

    That sounds so interesting - wish I could take Rimu Class on The Magic School Bus.


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